Treat yourself like you are the love of your own life. Sexy date nights for one, a thoughtful morning routine & delicious snack plates.

The sexiest baked potato is topped with ROE — The perfect date night for one. Xx


Burnout seems to be everywhere these days. I, for one, have struggled with bouts of burnout, exhaustion and a sense of general boredom for what feels like centuries at this point. To put it plainly, I feel as though I am constantly whelmed. Can one in fact be ‘whelmed’?  Sure we can all feel overwhelmed but that word brings about a feeling better suited for a moment or perhaps a situation, when in fact, ‘whelmed’ feels a far better word suited for my general sense of existence within this chapter of life. Because, I am in fact, whelmed. I think that we all are in a way. 

One has so much to keep up with and a society that has taught us that our value is measured by how hard we work, how well we fit into normalcy, what standardized mile markers we have ticked off our list, what we own and how many followers and ‘likes’ we collect. Le sigh. Non Merci! I feel a shift coming however. I sense that people are craving something more ‘real’. Something more grounded in honesty, simplicity and overall vulnerability. I see this through small intentional shifts. People flirting with the idea of less social media, more nights in, slower mornings and intentional moments. And I, for one, could not love this little glimmer of living more. 

A ROE caviar baked potato, créme fraîche, chives and a bit of sparking wine makes for a fancy little solo date (plus Greyson of course)

You can never have too much ROE - So very true. Xx

A tinned fish feast for dinner. Featuring melon and Iberico Jamon, tinned tuna, farmers market strawberries, crackers & Manchego.

Elevate your delivery pizza — light some candles & break out your favorite china du jour. Fancy take out vibes always win.

These days, as many of us seem to be slipping more and more into a void of weird dating stories, too much isolation and inevitably comparing our day-to-day with the 1% of someone else's, I am placing a heavy emphasis on simple intentional living. Carving out moments for myself that feel imperfectly perfect and full of personal nourishment. I have long strived to create intentional moments for myself. Finding the beauty in a slow morning routine -  appearing in the form of taking an additional couple of minutes to make loose leaf tea in my tea pot and sipping from a favorite antique tea cup before free falling into the technology void. Tucking into bed 30 minutes early to get lost in a tale of night-time reading. Pausing the madness to journal about the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. Avoiding mindless scrolling by keeping my fingers busy with my needlepoint project (a Christmas stocking that I am determined to finish by December). I date myself — fancy candlelit dinners at home. Table for one (and a good book) at a Michelin star restaurant, sharing my 5 courses with the likes of Hemingway and Edith Wharton. These simple things, they might not seem like much, but when you add up the seemingly mundane moments, you have a whole lot of sweet intentions meant to soften the harshness and expectations of society, of extended family and of strangers. To me, this is a far better way to live. To live for oneself. To savor the moments. To step back and to truly examine the big picture… It is nothing short of awe inspiring. From the first bite of a warm, homemade cookie, to a perfectly engulfing hug, we are collecting a life well lived. 

ROE caviar, Crème fraîche & potato chips. My very favorite personal treat. — The epitome of the art of le snack plate.

Take a moment to add a bit of something special & intentional to your morning tea. Set a beautiful tone for your day!

At the end of the day, after the candles are blown out and the book mark placed between pages, this is my little life. It is wildly unconventional. It is at times, not my own, and it is far from 'perfect'. But for me, I think it is quite beautiful. Xx

My favorite forms of simple, intentional living. 

A proper cuppa tea. 

Stovetop popcorn with browned butter and a favorite movie. 

Lighting a candle to accompany a soul nourishing little dinner. 

Caviar for one. 

A snack plate for lunch with a few of my favorite things. 

Making a special brunch for myself on a slow Sunday morning. 

Reading a novel in bed. 

Having a nice long bath with candles and a podcast or book. 

A bit of simple spring cleaning. 

Finishing a lingering project. 

Walking to a café to get a snack and a coffee to enjoy while I journal. 

Ordering in and taking a minute to plate my delivery dinner on my favorite china du jour. 

Unplugging and working on my needlepoint vs doom scrolling. 


Waffles in Bed


Old Town Ibiza